Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Saxon Break

We've been on break from Saxon 2 for a few weeks. Bobo (1st grade) was getting the work done, but I could tell she wasn't understanding certain concepts. I decided to buy some fun (in color!) first grade math books at Barnes and Noble.

I'm so glad we did! She breezes through most of it, but it's been interesting to see that the different page layouts, ever-changing directions, and just general unfamiliarity of it all have been a challenge for her. Saxon is laid out the same almost every day: math facts drill page, lesson page. The lesson page rarely changes in format, so she doesn't really even need to read any directions anymore.

Our "fun" break has forced her to do things differently, learn concepts in a new way, and actually read the directions. All pretty important stuff if you ask me. I think we'll periodically switch things up a bit like this - with math especially - to ensure she's really getting it.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

We need to do stuff like this more often, kind of round math out a bit.