I'm especially thankful this morning for the little buddies my children are becoming. My boys are playing in Crockett's crib right now - pretending it's a rescue boat. The girls are in the play room tying up some of my old yarn to make a clothes line and a fire pit.
I realized what a blessing this whole siblings-as-best-friends thing is when Bobo called to me from her Latin lesson earlier today, "What's the Latin word for siblings?"
"I don't know. We haven't learned it yet," I responded. "Why?"
"Because the question says: what do you call 'playmates'?"
Got it. The answer was friends, but siblings came to her mind first. I love that! (Remind me to read this later today, when the inevitable sibling squirmish breaks out and I forget how sweet they were just hours ago).
I like the tree. I have/had plans to make a tree. I bought felt for the leaves and everything. I suppose there still is time ... we'll see.
oh, and that is great about siblings as best friends!
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