Admittedly, the kids had a great time. As did their Tower of Terror loving, Jack Sparrow wanna-be father. But pushing an unwieldy, double stroller around in 90 degree, ninety-nine percent humidity (with intermittent downpours that did nothing to deter the humidity or heat), while lugging two enormous backpacks all over Florida is not exactly my idea of fun.
Again, really, we all have great memories. And now that I'm back in the much cooler midwest, I'm looking over our pictures fondly. But really, ninety-nine percent humidity? A huge stroller? Two backpacks?
Oh, and the lost child. Granted, Toddzilla was missing for all of about 90 seconds. Maybe even less. But it was the worst moment this mother has ever experienced.
Bobo, Grandma, and Great Aunt were headed - with Toddzilla - to Ariel's Grotto. Dad was at the Tea Cups with Elbow. I was headed to the restrooms to change Crockett's diaper. Apparently, in all the shuffle, Toddzilla changed his mind and stopped following the Grotto crowd. He turned back and started looking for me.
Only he couldn't find me and I had no idea he wasn't with the rest of the family. For once I'm thankful I was unorganized. I realized my husband had the diaper bag on the Tea Cups. I went to tell Grandma I would have to truck it across the park to get the bag. In doing so, we both realized Toddzilla was no where to be found.
After heart-stopping panic like I've never known, I saw several wonderful moms hovering over my screaming child, trying to help him. Praise God! I went blubbering over to the Tea Cups - strangers staring at this crazed, teary mama - to tell my husband the whole horrible ordeal.
The Magic of Disney... maybe not. The loving care of a heavenly Father, definitely.
1 comment:
While reading the part about him being lost for a bit I could feel panic build up at just the thought of it.
Oh and 99% humidity? Um, hmm, I would die, lol.
My camera is a Canon 30D by the way. It's a great camera.
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