Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Magical Kingdom...

A trip down memory lane...

We took our children to Disney almost two years ago. We felt they were way too young, but my husband's side of the family is crazy about all things Disney and insisted we go (they also paid for it, which basically sealed the deal). We didn't know what to expect; we felt our one, three, and five year olds wouldn't get much out of it.

Boy were we wrong! We truly had an amazing time - full of exclamations from the girls like "this is like a dream come true!" and "I never thought I'd see anything like this!" Just the sort of thing that melts a mother's heart.

We're off to Wonderful World again soon (I did mention my in-laws are obsessed, right?) and this time, we know exactly what we're in for and we can hardly wait. I've been looking at pictures from the last trip to psych me up; my husband doesn't need any help. He's been talking about the Tower of Terror and the Pirates of the Carribbean for weeks!

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