Friday, August 3, 2007

The Not So Big House

One of our family's favorite places is Mt. Carmel. (Not the mountain where Elijah slew the prophets of Baal -- although that would be great to see -- but the bible camp on Lake Carlos in Minnesota.) We just returned from another great week there.

The beauty of this place is that it's truly a family bible camp. There is age appropriate bible study for everyone (adults included!) in the mornings. We spent the week looking at the first three chapters of Genesis with author and speaker, Marva Dawn. Worship is planned with a family focus. The cabins are SMALL! If you want family togetherness, you get it by spending a week in these rustic cottages, believe you me.

While it's nice to be home and have a little more space and privacy, I can't help but echo the lonely sentiments of my two year old son, as I lay him in his bed this evening. Having spent the week sharing a tiny room with his sisters, he looked around forlornly and said, "Where are my girls?"

1 comment:

Alice Gunther said...

I think that "Where are my girls" is about the sweetest question I have ever heard!

I'm so glad you all had a wonderful time!