Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Books for Breakfast

Some of our best mornings have been when the girls are into good books and MUST READ over the breakfast hour. This buys me a little more time to empty the dishwasher, play with the boys, and get myself ready for the day. (In an ideal world, this would all be done before they get up because I would have set my alarm and had the morning to myself. But during pregnancy, that never happens.)

Today was one of those great, relaxed mornings. Believe me, after the day we had yesterday, we needed it.

Current reads: Bobo is loving Nellie Oleson Meets Laura Ingalls by Heather Williams. Elbow got through The Josefina Story Quilt.


Anonymous said...

I haven't heard of the Nellie Oleson book. We do love all Little House books. Is it new?

Michelle Waters said...

Momofmany, yes it's pretty new, 2007 is the copyright. She found it at the library in the Little House section.

Anonymous said...

It looks so cozy and pleasant. It is good to appreciate the quiet moments.

Yesterday, I found two Melissa Wiley Martha books at the library book shop. Really a blog worthy find. :)

regan said...

my daughter quite often CANNOT let go of whatever she is currently reading long enough to eat. it is kind of funny to watch the slow motion eating/reading/holding onto book and fork juggling act. but then again, i was the same way, once upon a time! yours look precious!