Thursday, September 11, 2008

Official Beginnings

Our home school group met for the first time this morning after a long summer break.
  • Toddzilla and the preschoolers are studying the human body; today they learned about bones. "You know, we have bones so your body's not all squishy like."
  • The girls are in the first/second grade class, which is choir - "we sang in swahili today!" - and a course on animal life cycles.
  • I got to make (and eat) apple pie with the sixth grade cooking class.
  • Crockett hung out with the stroller set in the nursery.
Tomorrow we're joining a group of families for some science study. My girls have to present on the Abyss and Abyssal Animals. Looks like we need to do some studying tonight! We're excited to try putting together a little presentation on the new computer though. Nothing like a new toy to get you motivated...


Anonymous said...

So happy you are enjoying your new computer (and you hs group). I've had my Mac for a year and still have much to learn - the album function on Iphoto is a mystery....

Anonymous said...

good luck with your new school year!