Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Plot Of One's Own

Lots of planting going on around here for little hands. (Crockett's hands are trying to pull out whatever goes in, but that goes without saying). The children each picked a few flowers and a vegetable. Signs were quickly painted and added for finishing touches. Now I've just got to figure out how to waterproof them. Toddzilla wrapped his in Saran Wrap, one of his favorite artistic mediums. Time will tell how that fares...

After buying the flowers and vegetables, we were listening to Beethoven Lives Upstairs in the car. Everyone was saddened that Beethoven - being deaf - couldn't even enjoy his own music. Bobo got excited thinking that "in heaven he'll finally get to hear it!" To which Elbow promptly replied, "he might not even be in heaven, he did have quite a temper!" Big sister's response: "No, God will be extra gracious to Beethoven because he had special needs."
Not exactly sure if either argument can stand on it's own; but hey, combine the two girls and you've got the Law and the Gospel covered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Aren't those Classic Kids CDs great? We love those too!