Thursday, February 21, 2008

Knit Together

When I was a newly married grad student at Yale, a friend taught me to knit. I remember the other twenty-something women, looking at us with part condescension, part nostalgic longing, as we pulled out our needles and poured over patterns. Whether they thought we were quaint or queer, I'll never know, but no one else was asking for instruction.

When I was pregnant with my first born, I knit her a baby sweater, fully intending to do so for any subsequent children. That, as you may well have guessed, was the only sweater that got done. I still have the front piece of her sister's sweater on needles waiting to be finished.

Bobo has been wanting to knit forever. After countless finger knitting chains, I decided it was high time she try the needles. She's off and running now, with the basic knit stitch down pat. She's working on a scarf for Nellie, her doll. When she finishes, we'll move on to a project from Kids Knitting. There's a few things I've been waiting to tackle in this book myself.

I've got a knitting partner again!


Jamie Jo said...

I wish I could knit! My grandmother, who lives in CA, said she could not teach me because I am a lefty!!!

Nice to kind of "meet" you. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have you written any books for old mothers? :)

Your children are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

oh geez. This is great motivation for me to get the needles out again and practice!

Sweetness and Light said...

Wonderful, what fun you will have creating together!