- Since there were no forks and spoons in Ancient Egypt, we'll serve finger food of some sort. Probably dates, figs, and grapes, with some chicken nuggets thrown in for the more picky eaters. I'll put out finger dipping bowls for cleaning up afterward, an Egyptian tradition.
- I'll attempt to make a pyramid shaped cake. Fortunately, one of my best friends is a master at birthday cakes. Here's a cake she designed for Elbow's 3 year old Strawberry Shortcake party. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

- We'll have a relay where the children have to carry a basket on their heads from one end of the yard to the other.
- We'll play "pin the pyramid on Egypt" if I can come up with a map I'm willing to sacrifice to such a game.
- We'll have the children color Egypt themed activity sheets, mainly from our Story of the World history lessons. I'll put the colored sheets on brown contruction paper and use them as placemats at our birthday table.
- We'll have a candy treasure hunt, using papyrus bags (brown paper bags) decorated with our hieroglypics stamps for collecting their goods.
- For party favors, each child will receive a mummy case making kit.

How fun!!! Beautiful blog!
My 9-year old to be chose Egyptian party and now I am surfing internet to get some ideas. I will choose a game from your party. Thank you!
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