Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Late Mid-Year Roundup

March always feels like the beginning of the end for all things academic. There's lots left to do, of course, but considering many of our co-op classes finish at the end of April - the end really is in sight.

This has been one of our most successful years to date, which has been a pleasant surprise. A baby always complicates the schedule  - with lots of holding-on-the-hip teaching, talking over baby babble (which is surprisingly loud), and dealing with extra mama tiredness. Right Hand Man has been our worst sleeper by far so my Keurig has quickly become my new best friend.

Hubby has taken over the phonics work with Crockett, our current kindergartener. While it's a joy to see an emerging reader beam with the satisfaction a new skill, it's a major chore getting there! The painstaking work of sounding out every.single.letter is hard enough on it's own, doing it within a busy household can do me in faster than anything else. A few evenings a week Hubby and Crockett head up to our bedroom and work through the phonics books in peace and quiet. Then they wrestle. Win-win.

Here's where we are:

Bobo: Lesson 70 in Saxon Algebra 1/2. Still taking our time in First Form Latin. We're near the end (finally) but I think I'll stretch it out and not begin Second Form until next year. Her Literature class has probably been her favorite this year (Notable Youth of Purposeful Discussion). The book list: Call of the Wild, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Devil's Arithmetic, Number the Stars, Where the Red Fern Grows, and The Giver. Each week they post answers to comprehension questions on an online forum; they meet monthly to discuss the current book and hand in their final essays. Life Science and American History (first semester was Ohio History) - both taught by dads in the group. Halfway through with Vocabulary from the Classical Roots (A). Art class. She's working hard right now preparing for the annual National Piano Playing Auditions, again doing an International Program which involves gazillions of memorized pieces (10). She recently took her last belt test in Tae Kwon Do before her Black Belt so the training for that begins in earnest now. Her first ever basketball season ended Sunday. She loved it and wants to play again next year. Working one evening a week in our church's nursery and participating in the middle school youth ministry.

Elbow: Lesson 70 in Saxon 6/5. Reading and loving the Raiders from the Sea series. Taking a break from Latin - will begin First Form next fall (Finished Latina Christiana I and I prefer the format of First Form so I didn't want to start her on LC II). Working on writing skills with various grammar, journaling, essay writing etc. Violin - Suzuki Book 3. AWANA. Her big love is gymnastics. Tae Kwon Do. Also in the American History, Life Science, and Art classes with her sister.

Nothing like a baby brother to keep you motivated to finish your math!
Toddzilla: Almost halfway done with Saxon Math 3, finishing Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day with our co-op, beginning cursive, Pathway Readers (so excited to do Sonlight American History next year so he can read all those great books!), dictation, typing, Spelling Workout B (almost done). Art class. Tae Kwon Do. Minecraft (sigh).

Valentine's Party at the Boys' Science Group

Crockett: Hooked on Phonics with Hubby, Saxon Math 1, Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day, Handwriting Without Tears, Art Class. Skylanders on the iPad. Also, captain of the boy's playgroup (keeping them out of our way during work time)

The Patriot and Right Hand Man: Either driving us crazy or making us laugh. So, so sweet together.

Up next: our baby turns one this week!