Sunday, July 1, 2012

Goodbye to June

June went by in a blur... after our vacation we rode the VBS train for two weeks and had a best friend from college and her family stay with us to boot. We've hit the pool quite a bit and even survived some 75 mph winds and a short power outage. Many of our friends will be without power all week and one of our church campuses had to shut down today. Here are some pictures from our recent whirlwind of activity.

Big hug after the first VBS performance

All dressed up for Wacky Wednesday

Crockett (our own little ninja) and Gung Ho

Nerd Day!

Our favorite Super Hero!

Elbow with her godparents -
stopping by for a few days on their way out East.

And all the while, this little man continues to amuse with his new tricks!