Saturday, April 21, 2012

What A Week...

It's been a long week around here at Living Waters. My two oldest boys had strep, and The Patriot spent four hours at the ER late last night and into this morning with Hubby getting x-rayed for a broken arm. It's a slight break; right now he's in a sling until we see the doctor on Monday.

He now has the dubious honor of being the only Waters child to get stitches, AND the only one to break a bone. Yes, he's also the kid who - while waiting for brothers to get strep tests - used the stirrups as a "Power Ranger Megazord:"

So very thankful for our friend and ER doctor, who came over last night to see if I needed to bring The Patriot in and who offered to stay with the rest of my children if I had to go (Hubby was at a meeting at the time).