Monday, December 13, 2010

Weekend Review

A busy but very productive weekend around here. I managed to get all my shopping done in one fell swoop on Saturday. It's a rare luxury for me to have time to run around on Saturdays; usually Hubby is in the trenches wrestling out the sermon. Thanks to one of our missionaries being back from Haiti and in the pulpit, Hubby was more or less off duty.

Toddzilla completed his orange stripe in his junior Tae Kwon Do class:

(The trophy was earned by the boy holding it for completing his junior black stripe)

The big three had their annual church choir Christmas concert yesterday:

Cookies and fun post concert 

Moving on today with school work, some sewing projects with the girls (Christmas related, sshhh!), and violin lessons and Tae Kwon Do this evening. Plus lots of traveling through the woods with sleds in the beautiful, fresh snow. This means my dryer will get an extra workout today - it's hard keeping up with wet hats and mittens...