Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bits and Pieces

Not a lot going on around here these days; we're nursing colds and laying low.

From the school room: Finishing up Cheaper by the Dozen tonight, probably have our movie night on Friday since Hubby teaches tonight and tomorrow night.  Elbow just began Helen Keller, Bobo should finish George Washington Carver today.  We're working on science reports for our co-op on Friday: Komodo Dragons and Gila Monsters are the girls' topics.

From my desk: I'm re-reading lots of home schooling material I bought when we were first deciding about our educational plans. One of my neighbors has asked me over for coffee to discuss the option of home schooling and a long distance friend and I have been back and forth over email talking about the same thing. I don't consider myself any kind of an expert so it's been nice to peek back at some great books and feel encouraged all over again. My favorites are The Well Trained Mind, all the John Taylor Gatto stuff, Real Learning, A Charlotte Mason Companion, When You Rise Up, and A Thomas Jefferson Education.

From the kitchen: We've been baking a lot lately because it's something the boys love to do and it fulfills their desire to "make concoctions" while at the same time providing something we can actually eat! (As opposed to the cornmeal mixed with water mixed with raisins mixed with salt variety).  We're also doing a fair amount of cooking for new moms - today included.