Sunday, July 27, 2008

Get Inspired. Check.

I'm back from the Family Centered Learning conference in Lancaster. What a little get away! I rented a PT Cruiser for my 800 mile round trip trek. Sounds a bit Thelma and Louise (if you forget that the average age of a PT Cruiser driver is like seventy-five), but really our second vehicle may or may not have traveled well. The air conditioner certainly would have given out and stick-shifting it up the hills of Pennsylvania is not my idea of a relaxing ride.

I arrived at my hotel in the early afternoon, took a little siesta and headed out on the town. I was a bit fearful of getting lost - so I didn't venture off the beaten path too much - but poked around historic downtown Lancaster and had a nice quiet dinner with the company of a magazine. I'm not sure when I last read a magazine cover to cover - unless you count The Classical Teacher.

Alice, Meredith, Margot, and Mary Ellen did a wonderful job with their various subjects, but it was most fun just to get to meet them! I also had the pleasure of chatting with Karen, Margaret, and Diane. It really was a lovely time of meeting new friends and gearing up for the year ahead.

Meanwhile, back at the homestead, Hubby was on a whirlwind tour of his own - taking the children to music lessons, the zoo, the pool (twice) and the Ohio Caverns. I wouldn't do all that in a week, let alone two days! Needless to say, we're all happily exhausted. Goodnight, O Internets.


KC said...

I'm so jealous! Glad you had a great time.

Eileen said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend! I wish I could've joined you! :)

Diane said...

I didn't know that you traveled alone! Maybe next year we can do a real Thelma and Louise in that Cruiser. It was wonderful to meet you...all of my dear roomies agreed...and we look forward to getting to know you better. It looks like this is a great place to start. :)

We'll have to find a park halfway between us...

Margaret in Minnesota said...

Being a visual person, I was SO excited when you assisted me in putting the name of your blog together with your face. Too cool!

I wish we could have visited more at the conference, not that you would have wanted to, given my coughing jags. All in God's good time...

grace said...

It was great to meet you, Michelle. When I got home I search 'living waters' to find your blog and came up with all sorts of interesting things....but not you. So glad Margaret linked to you today!

You should totally hook up with Diane - she is an amazing soul.

I look forward to getting to know you here at your blog.

God bless,

Erica in San Diego

Alice Gunther said...

You are even more wonderful in person than I could have imagined! It was great to meet you!

Karen Edmisten said...

Michelle, it was a true delight to meet you! I didn't realize you had traveled so far, and all alone! Next time, maybe we can pick you up on the way. :-)

Sweetness and Light said...

It was truly wonderful to finally meet you too Michele!! I'm so glad you could be there! Blessings,