Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Saxon, Speech, and Sippy Cups

Bobo is on break from Saxon 2 for a bit. We're over half way done with the book, and it's getting to be a little too much for her (she's in first grade). I bought her some fun looking first grade math review books during Barnes and Nobles' Educator Week. She thinks they're fun and totes them around, even working on them in bed before she falls asleep. I planned on doing these for about a month before settling back into Saxon, but she'll probably finish them by next.

Elbow is starting speech therapy to work on her S, R, and L sounds. We had to do this with our oldest too for a few months. Our speech therapist lays part of the blame on sippy cups. (My daughters carried around their cups -- sipping throughout the day -- like their mom carried around her coffee. Oops). Anyway, some think sippy cups force the tongue to protrude too much and cause speech problems. Who knew?

Needless to say, Toddzilla doesn't use sippy cups and thus far doesn't seem to have any problems. I know my control group is small, but the data speaks for itself!

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