Saturday, August 4, 2007

In with the fire truck bed, out with everything else!

In order to get the aforementioned toddler bed into the not so big boys room, much clutter had to go. This, it seems, has become a full time job. Moving things, picking up things, organizing things. Where did all this stuff come from? And why does so much of my time get wrapped up in shuffling stuff around?

Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for the many blessings we have. My children are especially fortunate to have relatives who have basically earned degrees in childrens retail. I can look around any room in my house and spot the one, maybe two, things we've actually bought for them. The rest has been given.

Certainly that's the blessing. But it can also be the curse. I often feel as if I have no control over the ensuing chaos. Add a few Sunday school projects here, a prized who-knows-what-from-the-backyard there, the bare necessities of life, and there you have it: too much of everything!

Many have extolled the virtures of only allowing that which is beautiful, useful, and needed into your home. But beauty is most definitely in the eye of the beholder and what my six year old deems way too precious to part with is the very same thing I would send to the garbage heap. Something has to give, especially with birthday season is quickly upon us. (Three of my four little ones have Fall birthdays).

Before we officially begin school this year, I vow to get things in order around here. I plan on doing that by going through all our hot spots and doing some severe culling. I actually enjoy this process. I get close to giddy when I fill bag after bag of stuff to give away. I'll pick one hot spot per evening and hopefully tackle the whole job in a week.
1. My kitchen basket a.k.a dumping ground
2. The front hall closet
3. My older son's closet
4. The girls' room
5. The playroom

That should make a serious dent in the de-cluttering process. It will also preserve my sanity and prepare me for the school year ahead. Here's hoping I find a place for everything and put everything in its place!

Sites for inspiration: Flylady, Declutter Fast, Jeri's Organizing and Decluttering News, and the Unclutterer.


Amy said...

Oh I totally understand! Our toddler bed is just plain white :) but otherwise I could have written this post! Good luck with everything.

Ouiz said...

I think I have said the very same things you have said in this post (oh, it feels so good to know that I'm not alone!) What *I* would view as junk is THE ONE THING that one of my children simply can't part with, so I'm stuck with this... monstrosity... staring me in the face for months.

We have also been mightily blessed by others who have given us clothes, furniture, shoes, toys, etc. While it is a great gift from God and shows how He provides for us, it also makes "travelling light" rather difficult sometimes!

And I had to smile when you said how it makes you feel "almost giddy" when you cull stuff out... me too! I get a much greater "high" from clearing stuff out, and creating empty space, than I ever get from buying something new!