Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Musings on Music

I can't say enough about two wonderful resources for developing an appreciation of great music for children (and adults!). We are having so much fun with Zeezok Publishing's series on great composers. We enjoyed Mozart: The Wonder Boy this summer and are now in the midst of Bach: The Boy from Thuringia. My daughters listen with rapt attention; they especially enjoy the stories from the composers' childhoods and the delightful illustrations.

While we're studying a composer, we listen to his story and music on the Vox Music Masters CDs throughout the day. They have a great selection of the composer's music, interspersed with details about his life. Today we listened to the Bach CD as we sculpted and painted in the afternoon. (It was really too nice a day for indoor play, but we just got a new pack of Sculpey -- with 30 colors! -- and the little ones couldn't resist.)

When we finish the book and have listened to the CD many times, we color and narrate pages from History Scribe's musician pages and the Bellerophon coloring books of Great Composers. The pages are then parked in our music notebook until further notice.

Other than 8 years of piano and the lead role in Happy Birthday Sebastian (a church production -- I got to wear the cool white wig and some satin knickers too), my own education in music is shoddy at best.

I love this thing called school at home...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad I found your blog. I am homeschooling my 4 yo son and am interested to know how receptive little ones are to Story of the World and Saxon Math. Hope to see more posts on this.

Have great day!